Trekking in the Dolomites

I'm just back from two weeks in northern Italy. Here are three shots from the most beautiful day of the trip, while hiking in the Dolomites.

Viel del Pan

Lago di Fedaia

Eileen above Lago di Fedaia

When you're fortunate enough to have a day like this, it's hard not to get fantastic shots. Which is why rule number one is: be prepared. You don't want to be without a working camera. I'm fanatical about packing light for backpacking, but the SLR with both a long and a wide lens was high enough priority to come along, despite the significant weight. And I'm quite glad I brought the two lenses, because on this particular morning my wide lens had a big ugly condensation spot right in the middle. It eventually cured itself, but without a second lens I would have missed all of these shots.


Sean said...

Amazing shots. Seriously considering my own trip there after seeing these.

zbsports said...

Great adventure, I love the place, the view and the people. Nice shots there!!!